Arbitration Agreement according to the great English
Jurist Sir Edward Blackstone, is a bond entered into by two or
more parties to abide by the decision of an arbitrator .... [Blackstones
Commentaries 1768.]
An arbitrator according to the Oxford English Dictionary
is a person to whom the conflicting parties agree to refer their
claims to obtain an equitable decision. And that arbitrator is
able to decide "according to ones will or pleasure;
uncontrolled and is an absolute decision."
With respect I agree with Sir Edward Blackstone, but not with
the Oxford English Dictionary. The dictionary is out of date. An
arbitrator is of course a person to whom the parties have referred
their dispute; but the arbitrator is not able to decide according
to his will or pleasure nor is he uncontrolled. Today's arbitrator
is controlled either at common law or, if the agreement to
arbitrate is in writing, controlled by Statute or by particular
Arbitral rules. What is more, the decision itself must decide
rights according to law .... unless the parties agree some other
basis upon which he may decide. I will come back to that
alternative basis.
Arbitration antedates legal systems and courts. In Roman times
litigation was no more than private arbitration with the approval
and assistance of a magistrate, the Praetor, elected annually for
that purpose. Cicero wrote "Nore would our ancestors
permit to be a Judex even in the most trifling money matters, not
to speak of offers concerning the dignity of a man, unless the
offering parties were agreed upon him." Then, in the
middle ages, English merchants resorted to arbitration to settle
disputes long before the Kings Courts found any way to enforce
contractual obligations. Shakespeare wrote:
"The end crowns all,
And that old common arbitrator, time,
Will one day end it."
The English Parliament began to take a hand in 1698. "An
Act for determining differences by Arbitration, ..... It shall and
may be lawful for all merchants and traders and others desiring to
end any controversy, suit or quarrel ... by a personal action or
suit in equity, by arbitration whereby they oblige themselves to
submit to the award or umpirage of any person or persons .... so
Other Acts followed. The Arbitration Act 1889 provided for
something called a 'Statement of Case'. The arbitrator could reach
for the Court to help him decide a question of law. The
relationship between the arbitrator and court was important. The
court became a supervisor. Moreover it began to insist that the
arbitrator made his decision according to law.
And here is the root in time of a debate. It was once true that
the commercial arbitrator decided according to such notions as
commercial men had about commerce. He was an expert from his
particular part of trade or profession; he applied those
standards. It was easy. But as the decades rolled by and the
industrial age unfolded so too common law and Statute began to
regulate and interfere with trade notions and even customs. The
Arbitrator had to now consider the legal relationships of the
parties such as were developing in the law of contract. He had to
pay attention to decided cases in the courts, to statute, and of
course to what custom and practice of "his trade" was
left unscathed by new laws. Lawyers were now needed by merchant
men since their business was now regulated by new rules.
Let me be clear. The arbitrator's job is to decide disputed
facts using the evidence established by the parties or an inquiry.
Then, the arbitrator applies the decided fact to the rules or laws
applicable to the parties relationships. And sometimes those rules
or laws are disputed. He must decide that quarrel too.
As for the burgeoning Arbitral Acts, the peoples Parliament
across the world's Jurisdiction unfolded, developed, improved the
practice and procedure for arbitration. In England, Wales and
Northern Ireland for example there is the Arbitration Act 1996
effective from 31 January 1997. It is a masterpiece. It
codifies powers, procedures, and liberates arbitrators. It invited
those across the globe to come to London to resolve their disputes
by arbitration.
Earlier I mentioned the root of a debate. Since arbitration was
originally a matter for commercial men applying commercial
standards rather than law some commercial people hanker for that
system. It has great merit. The English Arbitration Act 1996
expressly provides an opportunity for the parties to empower an
arbitrator to decide a dispute not according to law. It is open to
the parties to bless the arbitrator with the power to decide on
commercial grounds. And indeed, people in other Jurisdictions
found their legal system on just such standards. The Arbitration
Act 1996, will accommodate, by agreement, what the parties want.
In general terms however the process of arbitration is an
in-depth forensic investigation of a dispute. It is every bit as
thorough as litigation. An arbitration can take a long time and
suffer all the expense of a court case. But that's not always
true. Indeed the Arbitration Act 1996 provides a welcome
opportunity to correct what had become a rigid and costly process.
The key is in the hands of the arbitrator. He can
"tailor-make" the procedure. He can make it fit to the
particular dispute. For example certain issues can be dealt with
via documents only. Alternatively he can jettison the adversarial
process of litigation (and much arbitration) and conduct an
investigative regime whereby the arbitrator takes the initiative
in establishing the facts and the law. The arbitrator's guiding
light is simple, he must adopt cost effective procedures suitable
for the case and above all be fair. In the twelve months that this
new act has been in force in this country we arbitrators are
beginning to see a marked step away from litigious procedures. The
technical arbitrator can use his professional knowledge to root
out the evidence. The lawyer arbitrator can vigorously inquire of
both parties similarly to root out the true position. There is
some justification in suggesting that the quicker Arbitration
distances itself from rigid litigious procedure, the better. Truth
to tell, its all down to the arbitrators to shift the emphasis.
Adopt a new and exciting procedure but remember this; the
arbitrator's job is to decide disputed fact and decide disputed
law then apply the decided fact to decided law. The procedure
adopted only empowers the arbitrator on his route to efficiently
get to that end result. Be flexible.