Other Cases
This part of the web site reports disputes which have been heard in the High Court including Scotland's Inner and Outer House; Also here is a selection of Court of Appeal and Supreme Court cases. Mostly the cases concern construction work but not always since there might have been an important general legal issue applicable in law of contract or tort as a whole.
Disputes heard and decided by an arbitrator or arbitral tribunal may also have been then examined in the High Court. They too are reported here. They are likely to concern an appeal on a point of law or a concern about the procedural rules for conducting an arbitration. Adjudication cases are collected on the site under the heading of Adjudication Cases. They too are High Court matters though usually limited to enforcing an adjudicators award. The adjudicated dispute which then comes to the High Court to be heard afresh is regarded as general litigation and appears in this section of the web site.
Just occasionally a mediation matter comes into the high court for consideration; those cases will be reported here.
Litigation is available provided the parties have not agreed in their contract to arbitrate. The site here is attempting to keep track of the useful cases and lessons to be learned in managing building and civil engineering works.